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Thursday, March 14, 2019

Town hall meeting / Avadhutopia March 2019

Town hall meeting / Avadh utopia March 2019

Town hall meetings also go by the name of All-Hands meetings. The term “all-hands” captures exactly who needs to attend the town hall meeting. Everyone!

  • Management to keep their team up to date on important information.
  • The team to ask questions of management and give their feedback.
  • Everyone to understand the goals and values of the organization.
Town hall meetings serve three purposes:
  • They allow management to share important information.
  • They allow employees to ask questions.
  • They ensure everyone understands the goals of the organization.

Video/ Avadh utopia:

1. Balloon Game

Give each person one balloon and one pin then ask participants to blow their balloons. Once all balloons are inflated  and everyone is ready  say the following " You have 1 minute after I say go ,  after the minute is over the person who still has his/her balloon held up intact above his/her head is the winner of this game . Now Go!" 

See the video

Photo's/Avadh utopia:

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